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Whether you’re B2B or B2C your website is incredibly important to the success of your business

I’m writing this blog on Cyber Monday – the biggest online shopping day of the year. On Cyber Monday last year, consumers spent £1.9 billion

But don’t just think that websites are important for B2C or ecommerce businesses

For B2B businesses you’re more likely to check a businesses website out before you speak to the business (and even when you meet a business face 2 face at networking, you more than likely check out the businesses website for some sense of validity)

Here are 20 Questions You Should Ask ABout Your Website

1. Is your About Us page up to date?
2. When did you publish your last blog?
3. How often do you blog?
4. Have you got a lead magnet on your website?
5. Are you social media links clearly discoverable on your website?

6. What is the % split between New Visitors + Returning Visitors
7. What locations are visitors to your website coming from?

8. What is the number 1 channel of traffic for your website?
9. Which is the best performing social media channel in terms of driving traffic?
10. Which is the worst performing social media channel in terms of driving traffic?
11. Which keywords are driving traffic from search?
12. Which external websites are referring traffic

13. Which is your most read blog this year?
14. Are there any themes that routinely perform well on blogs?
15. What is your minimum benchmark for blog readers?
16. How much time are people spending reading blogs?
17. What is your average bounce rate?

18. What is the percentage of visits that result in a contact (Phone / email)
19. How many people have signed up to your mailing list from your lead magnet?
20. How many sales per month do you get from your website?

Many of the questions above can be answered on Google Analytics

At Altrincham HQ we run Google Analytics Workshops and Blogging Workshops where we can help improve the performance of your website

Chat to about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation

We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you

Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services


Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email

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Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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